Monday, March 16, 2009

Conjunction of the Indonesia Language

The word is the word that the task of working among the clause, between sentences, and between paragraphs. The word is also called as a conjunction or conjunctive.

The placement of the words:
1. Location between the said clause is generally in the middle of the sentence.
2. Position conjunction between sentences in the beginning of the sentence usually after a period, exclamation, and question mark.
3. Location between the said paragraph in the beginning of the paragraph.
Example of the word:

- Semalam Irfan datang ketika mendengar berita saya sakit.(between clause)
- Potensi kebudayaan dan pariwisata yang terkandung dalam PBB ini sesungguhnya cukup prospektif. Misalnya di kawasan ini terdapat tanaman langka seperti pohon gohok, kemang atau menteng (between sentences)

TYPE conjunctive
1.Kata penghubung penggabungan
2.Kata penghubung pertentangan
3.Kata penghubung waktu
4.Kata penghubung tujuan
5.Kata penghubung syarat
6.Kata penghubung tak bersyarat
7.Kata penghubung sebab
8.Kata penghubung akibat
9.Kata penghubung pilihan
10.Kata penghubung perbandingan
11.Kata penghubung penguatan
12.Kata penghubung rincian
13.Kata penghubung penegas atau penjelas
14.Kata penghubung pembatasan
15.Kata penghubung pengurutan
16.Kata penghubung penanda pengutamaan
17.Kata penghubung penanda contoh
18.Kata penghubung korelatif

Kind of service and function words in sentence:
 Menyatakan hubungan kesetaraan :
– dan, lagi, lagi pula, serta, lalu, sambil
 Menyatakan hubungan perlawanan :
– tetapi, akan tetapi, melainkan, namun, sedangkan, padahal
 Menyatakan hubungan waktu :
– apabila, ketika, bilamana, sebelum, sejak, sesudah
 Menyatakan hubungan tujuan :
– supaya, agar, untuk, demi
 Menyatakan hubungan sebab :
– sebab, karena, sebab itu, karena itu
 Menyatakan hubungan akibat :
– sehingga, sampai, maka
 Menyatakan hubungan syarat :
– jika, apabila, kalau, asalkan, bilamana
 Menyatakan hubungan tak bersyarat :
– walaupun, meskipun, biarpun
 Menyatakan hubungan pilihan :
– atau
 Menyatakan hubungan perbandingan :
– seperti, bagai, seakan-akan, ibarat, umpama, daripada
 Menyatakan hubungan penguatan :
– bahkan, apalagi
 Menyatakan hubungan rincian :
– yakni, adalah, yaitu, ialah
 Menyatakan hubungan penegasan :
– bahwa
 Menyatakan hubungan pengurutan :
– mula-mula, lalu, kemudian
 Menyatakan hubungan pembatasan :
– kecuali, selain, asal
 Menyatakan hubungan penanda contoh :
– misalnya, umpama, contoh
 Menyatakan hubungan penanda pengutamaan :
– yang penting, yang pokok, paling utama, terutama
 Menyatakan hubungan korelatif :
– makin….makin….
– kian….kian….
– tidak hanya….tetapi juga….
– sedemikian rupa….sehingga….
– baik….maupun….

Monday, March 9, 2009

Expansion of the sentence

Extending the simple sentence is not only limited as in the examples that I kemukakan on the previous content. Not closed the possibility of such a single expanded to twenty words or more.

Expansion of the sentence that, inter alia, consist of:
1. description of the place, consisit of: di sini, dalam ruangan tertutup, lewat Yogyakarta, dalam republik it, dan sekeliling kota;
The example:
saya makan di sini
2. description of the time, consisit of: setiap hari, pada pukul 19.00, tahun depan, kemarin sore, dan minggu kedua bulan ini;
The example:
Saya makan setiap hari
3. description of the tool seperti dengan linggis, dengan undang-undang itu, dengan sendok dan garpu, dengan wesel pos, dan dengan cek;
Ayah sedang makan dengan sendok dan garpu
4. description of modalitas , seperti harus, barangkali, seyogyanya, sesungguhnya, dan sepatutnya;
5. keterangan cara, seperti dengan hatihati, seenaknya saja, selakas mungkin, dan dengan tergesa-gesa;
6. description of aspect, seperti akan, sedang, sudah, dan telah.
7. keterangan tujuan, seperti agar bahagia, supaya tertib, untuk anaknya, dan bagi kita;
8. keterangan sebab, seperti karena tekun, sebab berkuasa, dan lantaran panik;
9. frasa yang, seperti mahasiswa yang IPnya 3 ke atas, para atlet yang sudah
menyelesaikan latihan, dan pemimpin yang memperhatikan takyatnya;
10. keterangan aposisi, yaitu keterangan yang sifatnya saling menggantikan, seperti penerima Kalpataru, Abdul Rozak, atau Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Sutiyoso

Patterns in the primary indonesia language

1.Pola 1
Pattern 1 is a pattern that contains a subject (S) noun (mahasiswa) and predicate (P) verb (berdiskusi).

Other examples:
- Pertemuan APEC sudah berlangsung.
(S) (P)

- Teori itu dikembangkan.
(S) (P)
2. Pattern 2
Pattern 2 is a pattern of expression bersubjek noun (dosen itu) and berpredikat adj (ramah). Sentence is to be:
Dosen itu ramah.
(S) (P)
Other examples:
- Komputernya rusak.
(S) (P)
- Suku bunga bank swasta tinggi.
(S) (P)
3. pattern 3
Pattern 3 is a pattern that contains a subject (S) noun (harga buku itu) and predicate (P) number (sepuluh ribu rupiah).the complete sentence is:
- Harga buku itu sepuluh ribu rupiah.
(S) (P)
Other examples:
- Panjang jalan tol Cawang-Tanjung Priok tujuh belas kilometer
(S) (P)
- Masalahnya seribu satu.
(S) (P)

Third sentence pattern above each consist of a single sentence. Every single sentence in the above can be expanded by adding words to the elements-unsurnya. By adding the words in the element-unsurnya, the sentence will be long (longer than the original sentence), but can still recognize the main elements.

The sentence Mahasiswa berdiskusi
expanded into a sentence:

Mahasiswa semester III sedang berdiskusi di aula
(S) (P) (K)
Expansion of the sentence is the result of the expansion is mahasiswa to the semester III. Expansion of the predicate is diskusi to the sedang berdiskusi by adding a description of the place at the end of the sentence.

Below is an example peruasan sentence by adding time information at the end of the quantity.
Sentence 2, Dosen itu ramah can be expanded:
Dosen itu selalu ramah setiap hari.
(S) (P) (K)

Below is an example peruasan sentence description of the price adjective by adding at the end of the sentence.
Sentence 2, Harga buku itu sepulu ribu rupiah can be expanded:
Harga buku besar itu sepuluh ribu rupiah per buah
(S) (P)

In the expansion, not only add a description of time, place and price adjective, but can be expanded in many patterns.

To find out more about the expansion, I will deliver on the content of the next expansion of the content sentence.

Friday, March 6, 2009


According to the structure, the language can be a simple sentence and can also
mejemuk form of expression. Compound sentence can be equivalent (koordinatif0, not equal
(subordinatif), or a mixture (koordiatif-subordinatif). Ideas expressed in the single
single sentence; the idea that having sides-expressed with the terms of the compound.
A. Single sentence
Sentence consists of one single subject and a predicate. In fact, if viewed from
unsurnya-elements, the long-sentence-length in the language can be restored
to the sentence-sentence basis is simple. Single-clause sentences that consist of simple
on one subject and a predicate. In connection with it, sentence-long sentence that can
also be patterns establishment. Patterns that is the sentence pattern
bottom. Let us see once again the patterns are basic.

KB + KK :Mahasiswa berdiskusi

KB + KS :Dosen ramah

Patterns is a basic sentence each should read as follows.
Pattern 1 is a pattern that contains a subject (S) noun (students->mahasiswa) and predicate (P)
verb (discussion->berdiskusi).
Sentence is to be :Mahasiswa berdiskusi
(S) (P)
Other examples: 1. Pertemuan APEC sudah berlangsung
(S) (P)
2. Teori itu dikembangkan


After discussing several elements that make up a sentence that is correct, we
have been able to determine the basic pattern itself. Based on research by experts, the pattern
basic sentences in Indonesia are as follows.
1. KB + KK :Mahasiswa berdiskusi.(Students discussed)
2. KB + KS :Dosen itu ramah.
3. KB + KBil :Harga buku itu sepuluh ribu rupiah.
4. KB + (KD + KB) :Tinggalnya di Palembang.
5. KB1, KB2 + KK :Mereka menonton film.
6. KB1 + KK + KB2 + KB3:Paman mencarikan mencarikan saya pekerjaan.
7. KB1, KB2 :Rustam peneliti.
- KB :Kata Benda (Noun)
- KK :Kata Kerja (Verb)
- KS :Kata Sifat (adjective)
- KD : Kta depan
Seven basic sentence patterns can be expanded with a variety of information and can also patterns
base-combining the combined sentence to be so broad and complex.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The tribe, word, sentence

As we know when we are all still in the Primary School (SD), we are taught by the father / mother of our teachers about-How do I learn English properly. Structure and framework of Bahasa Indonesia is the one that we learned. Like the grammar in the English language, in this post I will discuss a little about the structure of the Indonesian language.

- What is a collection / combination of several words that have formed and the structure or pattern of relating. S + P + O + K ->(Subject+ Predicate + Object + adv,adj(keterangan))

- The word is the smallest part of the sentence consisting of a collection / combination of words that some tribes stringed up and has a meaning or meanings. (S) (P) (O) (K)
- The member of word (suku kata) is the smallest of the words and the smallest of the sentence and can not describe in the back.

A, B, C, D, E, F, is the ... from suku kata(member of word).

ibu, budi, di(on), dan(and), yang(wich), ... is the of the words.

Ibu Budi pergi ke pasar is a sentence from.

Whether a series of sentences including the word?

ibu budi
(s) (ks)->Kata Sifat(adjective)

In the words above:

Mother's role as a subject while the subject information as Budi

yes, also a series of over a part of the sentence. 2 because of the word consists of two words that terangkai to one meaning. Mother explained as the Subject / strengthened by Budi as Subject description.

budi pergi ke pasar -> (budi goes to the market)
(s) (p) (k)

Budi is the Subject

pergi (goes) is a predicate

pasar (the market) is informaion of the place is

Predicate is a verb or a word that represents a job or activity.

What if there were errors in the information I have please post in benarkan or sesatlah and misleading.

Thank you for your criticism and suggestions that have been given to me

fonetics of indonesian language

Fonetika (in indonesia)or phonetics is the science of linguistics in the study of sounds produced by humans. On the other hand is the science of phonology based on phonetics and learn the system fonetika.

a.Fonetik artikulatoris also called phonetician organic / physiological phonetics

Learn how the mechanism tools human speech sounds produced in the working language and how the sound-sound that is classified. Artikulatoris phonetics and phonetics is the type of the deal with the world because of linguistic phonetics regarding this problem with how the sound-the sound of the language is spoken or human generated.

b. Acoustic phonetics learn language sounds as fisis events or natural phenomena. Beep-frequency noise that is getarannya, amplitudonya, intensity and timbrenya. And acoustic phonetics is more concerned with the field of physics.

c.Fonetik auditoris learn how the mechanism of the reception of the sound of the language by our ears. And phonetics auditoris is more concerned with neurologi the medical field, although not closed the possibility of linguistics is also working in the field of phonetics of the two.

phonetician artikulatoris discussed the first thing that people say is a tool that produces the sound of language. In fact the tool has also said that another main function of a biological.

Noise-noise that occurs on the equipment said it is usually given a name in accordance with the said equipment is customized with the name but latinnya, for example:

Larynx (larynx) - laringal

Cavity throat (pharynx) - faringal

Base of the tongue (dorsum) - dorsal

Middle of the tongue (medium) - medial

Leaves the tongue (laminum) - laminal

The tip of the tongue (Apex) - apikal

Children palate (uvula) - uvular

Soft palate (velum)

Hard palate (palatum)

Gums (alveolum) - alveolar

Gigi (dentum) - dental

Lip (labium) - labial

Furthermore in accordance with the sound of the language is generated, then we must combine the terms of the two said that the name of the tool. For example, the sound of apikodental the combination of the tip of the tongue with the teeth up.

Do you know, it is just for study in college.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Indonesian Language

Bahasa means language, and Bahasa Indonesia is the lingua franca of the indonesia. With over 350 native languages currently in use throughout the country, a good lingua franca is clearly necessary… When pronounced or spoken, sentences in Bahasa Indonesia (Bahasa) are usually not as lively as English, and like Deutsche (German), words in Bahasa are pronounced pretty much as they are written. In comparison to European languages, the grammar is very simple.

Indonesian language(Bahasa Indonesia) is the official language of the Republic of Indonesia, where it is used in government, schools, and the media. Some 70 million Indonesians use it as their first language. It is the second language of another 100 million people.

Indonesian Vocabulary

English has had a great influence on contemporary Indonesian. The Indonesian media are constantly translating from English and, in the process, contaminating Indonesian with English words and structures. This can make things easier for the casual visitor, who won’t have much difficulty interpreting words like bank, tip, steak, internasional, telefon, tiket and kredit. But watch out! Not every word that looks recognizable has the meaning you would expect. Jam means o’clock, for example, and air means water!

Pronunciation Pointers for indonesian language

You will need to LISTEN (to your teacher, and to the tapes when available) to really pronounce Indonesian correctly, but the following guide will give you a rough idea how to sound words out. Unlike English, Indonesian is relatively consistent in matching sounds to spellings, but there are some exceptions to this, and there are several sounds that are tricky for English- speakers.

In the bellow is example how to speaking indonesian language for vowels:
- The u in the second syllable of duduk sounds more like the oo in book)

- The i in the second syllable of titik sounds more like sit.
- The a like a in father, for example datang, nama
- The i like ee in feet, for example pagi, siang
-The o between the aw in saw and the oe in toe, for example kopi, orang
- The e like u in but OR*, for example selamat, senang
- The e between the e in let and the a in late, for example es, sore

- The ai in sampai is often pronounced ay as in day, especially in Java

- The au in saudara is often pronounced oe as in toe)

In other cases where two vowels are not separated by a consonant, just put the two vowel sounds together: siapa = si apa, etc. When a vowel is repeated, put a glottal stop (= the catch in your throat when you say "uh-oh!") between the vowels: maaf = ma-af.Add the following to the website - put it in a table, but keep the bookmark as Pronunciation Pointers


“a” always an “ah” as in “father” (NEVER long “a” as in “pay”)

“e” generally a shorter sound than the short “e” in English; often the most effective pronunciation is saying the word as though the e did not exist!

Example: “Selamat” is often pronounced as “slamat”

There are a few exceptions to this rule, where the “e” has an “a” sound as in “say”

At times, you will have to play it by ear and listen for the correct pronunciation.

“i” “ee” as in “meet”

“o” long “o” sound as in “hold”

“u” “oo” as in “toot”

“aa” both letters “a” are pronounced individually so that there is a hesitation between them

“ai” long “i” sound as in “eye” (“ah+ee” in one sound)

“au” “ow” as in “cow” (“ah+oo” in one sound)

Consonants – generally pronounced as in English, with these exceptions:

“c” “ch” as in “chip”

“g” hard “g” sound as in “goat” (NEVER a soft “j” sound as in “gem”)

“ng” “ung” as in “lung”. The sound comes from the back of your throat WITHOUT the hard “g” sound. This can be a little tricky, but easily mastered with a little practice.

“ngg” “ung”+ hard “g” sound as in “hunger”

“ny” “nya” as in “canyon” made at the roof of your mouth. This may take a little practice as well, but will feel natural in a short time.

“h” a sigh-like sound that is pronounced, at times quite prominently. Unlike English, it is NOT silent no matter where it is found in a word.

“k” the normal “k” sound as in “kite” EXCEPT when found at the end of a word, where it is cut off or very soft. This is also called a glottal stop, which is similar to the sound at the back of your throat when saying “oh-oh”

“r” rolled as in most other non-English languages. For English speakers, the sound is similar to the “tt” in “butter” or the heavier “dd” in “muddy”, or can be trilled as in the Spanish word “arriba”. Just think of Speedy Gonzales!!