Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Indonesian Language

Bahasa means language, and Bahasa Indonesia is the lingua franca of the indonesia. With over 350 native languages currently in use throughout the country, a good lingua franca is clearly necessary… When pronounced or spoken, sentences in Bahasa Indonesia (Bahasa) are usually not as lively as English, and like Deutsche (German), words in Bahasa are pronounced pretty much as they are written. In comparison to European languages, the grammar is very simple.

Indonesian language(Bahasa Indonesia) is the official language of the Republic of Indonesia, where it is used in government, schools, and the media. Some 70 million Indonesians use it as their first language. It is the second language of another 100 million people.

Indonesian Vocabulary

English has had a great influence on contemporary Indonesian. The Indonesian media are constantly translating from English and, in the process, contaminating Indonesian with English words and structures. This can make things easier for the casual visitor, who won’t have much difficulty interpreting words like bank, tip, steak, internasional, telefon, tiket and kredit. But watch out! Not every word that looks recognizable has the meaning you would expect. Jam means o’clock, for example, and air means water!

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