Monday, March 9, 2009

Patterns in the primary indonesia language

1.Pola 1
Pattern 1 is a pattern that contains a subject (S) noun (mahasiswa) and predicate (P) verb (berdiskusi).

Other examples:
- Pertemuan APEC sudah berlangsung.
(S) (P)

- Teori itu dikembangkan.
(S) (P)
2. Pattern 2
Pattern 2 is a pattern of expression bersubjek noun (dosen itu) and berpredikat adj (ramah). Sentence is to be:
Dosen itu ramah.
(S) (P)
Other examples:
- Komputernya rusak.
(S) (P)
- Suku bunga bank swasta tinggi.
(S) (P)
3. pattern 3
Pattern 3 is a pattern that contains a subject (S) noun (harga buku itu) and predicate (P) number (sepuluh ribu rupiah).the complete sentence is:
- Harga buku itu sepuluh ribu rupiah.
(S) (P)
Other examples:
- Panjang jalan tol Cawang-Tanjung Priok tujuh belas kilometer
(S) (P)
- Masalahnya seribu satu.
(S) (P)

Third sentence pattern above each consist of a single sentence. Every single sentence in the above can be expanded by adding words to the elements-unsurnya. By adding the words in the element-unsurnya, the sentence will be long (longer than the original sentence), but can still recognize the main elements.

The sentence Mahasiswa berdiskusi
expanded into a sentence:

Mahasiswa semester III sedang berdiskusi di aula
(S) (P) (K)
Expansion of the sentence is the result of the expansion is mahasiswa to the semester III. Expansion of the predicate is diskusi to the sedang berdiskusi by adding a description of the place at the end of the sentence.

Below is an example peruasan sentence by adding time information at the end of the quantity.
Sentence 2, Dosen itu ramah can be expanded:
Dosen itu selalu ramah setiap hari.
(S) (P) (K)

Below is an example peruasan sentence description of the price adjective by adding at the end of the sentence.
Sentence 2, Harga buku itu sepulu ribu rupiah can be expanded:
Harga buku besar itu sepuluh ribu rupiah per buah
(S) (P)

In the expansion, not only add a description of time, place and price adjective, but can be expanded in many patterns.

To find out more about the expansion, I will deliver on the content of the next expansion of the content sentence.

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